Guilt-Free Summer: Finding Balance as a Working Mom and Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur Life, Purposeful Podcasting

Guilt-Free Summer: Finding Balance as a Working Mom and Entrepreneur

Guilt-Free Summer: Finding Balance as a Working Mom and Entrepreneur

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and guilty every summer because you’re constantly torn between being a dedicated mom and running your own business, constantly sacrificing quality time with your kids for work obligations, then you are not alone! Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself struggling to strike a balance, feeling like you’re failing on both fronts.

You may be missing out on precious summer memories with your children, constantly feeling stressed and torn, and unable to fully enjoy the fruits of your labor. But fear not, there are strategies and solutions to help you achieve a guilt-free and balanced summer as both a mom and entrepreneur.

As a working mom and entrepreneur, we know firsthand the challenges of trying to balance the demands of motherhood and business during the summer. That’s why on this week’s episode of Purposeful Podcasting we dive deep into this very topic. In our conversation, we share our own experiences and provide valuable insights on how to navigate this juggling act.

The Importance of Prioritizing and Giving Yourself Grace

Life happens, and the only way to navigate through it is by understanding what’s truly important to you. This means setting priorities and giving yourself grace when things don’t go as planned. It can be incredibly easy for moms to get overwhelmed, but when you take a moment to decide what needs your immediate attention and what can wait, it can make a huge difference. And when things don’t fall into place just as expected, instead of belittling yourself, give yourself grace. You are human after all.

Krystal Eicher knows a thing or two about setting priorities. She knows it matters to handle one thing at a time- you can’t be everything to everyone at the same time. Her approach is faith-based, recognizing that you can’t grapple with mom-guilt if you have your priorities in order. She worked through this by acknowledging that it’s okay to send her kids to a summer camp and give herself a few days to concentrate on her work. She gave herself grace by choosing not to feel guilty about making decisions that matter to her.

Balancing Time and Energy Between Business and Family

The balance between business and family is a tricky one that may make you feel like you’re walking on a tightrope. It’s all about managing your time and conserving your energy. Think about a day as an energy tank. It’s not infinite. You’ve got to decide how you’re going to split it between business and family. Wendy Guth recalled her time was a single mom, when it was imperative to set clear boundaries between work and family. Wendy shared that it was hard for her at first, but eventually found solace when she started properly dividing her time and energy, realizing it’s essential to serve the needs both of her business and family. Balancing your energy allotment takes careful planning but it’s worth doing for a peaceful life.

Setting Realistic Expectations and Managing Boundaries

It’s crucial to have goals, but they need to be practical and attainable. Setting realistic expectations allows you to reach your goals without overwhelming yourself or feeling discouraged. In addition, establishing boundaries allows you to have a clear direction on how you want to allocate time and how much effort you will give to each role. Wendy Guth mentioned her experience on managing expectations, especially when dealing with the concept of ‘summer’ – a time where tasks may take longer than expected. Whether it’s running errands or fun activities with your kids, you’ve got to be prepared that things might not go as smoothly as planned. She highlights the necessity of setting boundaries and knowing what’s important. It involves blocking off time for specific duties and maintaining focus to accomplish them effectively.

Being Purposeful About Time and Avoiding Guilt

One sure way to beat the guilt that comes with being a working mom is to be intentional about your time. Allocate periods deliberately to cater to your work and family. Making a conscious decision about how you spend your time can free you from any impending feelings of guilt or regret. Krystal Eicher, as a mother of young children, talked about the importance of planning your time purposefully. Amidst the demands of work, she chooses to use her time to exercise and take care of her health too. Her decision to make choices that suit her personal well-being, instead of the expectations of society, enabled her to navigate her way out of mom guilt.

Making Hard Decisions

One thing moms are especially good at is making decisions. However, some decisions are tougher than others and often require a lot of courage. Remember, it’s okay to make decisions that best serve your larger purpose and let go of the things that don’t align with this. Wendy Guth reflected on her journey as a single mom, which involved making tough decisions to keep her family afloat. She had to navigate an entrepreneurial journey while raising kids. Wendy’s experience drives home the point that decisions made with good intentions and alignment with your family or business needs, benefit everyone in the long run.

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