Purposeful Podcasting with Serendipitous Rebel

The Podcast For Entrepreneurs looking to SAVOUR™ their life

Applying the Disney Magic to Your Business for Success

Applying the Disney Magic to Your Business for Success

January 22, 20242 min read

In this episode of Purposeful Podcasting, Krystal and Wendy reflect on their recent trip to Disney World, diving into the significance of customer experience and branding.

Wendy was reminded of the magic she felt there as a child. But beyond the fantasy lands and costumed characters lies a masterfully crafted brand. Her experience made her reflect on what makes the Disney brand so successful - and what we as entrepreneurs can learn from them.

Krystal will never forget when her daughter, who has special needs, had a meltdown in the kids club on a Disney Cruise because of a sensor that made Thor's hammer produce thunder and lightning sounds. Disney employees instantly stepped in to accommodate her, turning off sensors and lighting effects that distressed her. Their customer service goes above and beyond to turn problems into solutions so guests walk away with a good feeling, even when requests can't be fully met.

As a hospitality business owner, we don't always see that level of care at other companies today. But for entrepreneurs, prioritizing customer experience is crucial - we have to serve our clients and sprinkle some pixie dust through understanding, flexibility and compassion.

Beyond customer care, Disney excels at evocative storytelling across films, characters and music. These narratives tap into emotion to build connection and loyalty. As business owners, leading with facts and figures can fail to resonate in the same way. Sharing origin stories and whys that convey our passion and purpose lets audiences relate to us on a deeper level.

Disney also models how to blend fantasy with authenticity. While princesses and magic kingdoms are aspirational, the brand culture feels genuine rather than transactional. We can apply this to marketing by inspiring lifestyle and confidence without misleading hype. Showcase what success personally means to you instead of assuming what others want.

The Disney spirit reminds me how vital customer service, storytelling and integrity are for a business. Apply the magic to your work by bringing empathy, vision and heart to every customer interaction. Prioritize care, share your purpose, stay true to your values. That's how to create a positively unforgettable experience that keeps people coming back.

branding lessons from disneybrandin your online businesscustomer care in online business
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